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The Death of a Discourse

The Death of a Discourse With American hegemony firmly established, now we hear of an American Islam which, as Iran’s spiritual leader Ali Al-Khamnaei has complained, is ‘a backward Islam that falls in line with American principles and Western ideals’. Khamnaei and other leaders of the Muslim world have reason to worry. The recent years have witnessed an upsurge in modern day messiah of Muslims who look at Islam from the tainted glass of American…

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The Case for a Reformed/ Pristine Islam

Some 1.6 billion people on this planet believe that by virtue of being the followers of the last prophet they have been entrusted to play a very special role in future history. This belief in their chosen ness (khaire ummah) is as much part of their faith as the belief in the oneness of God almighty, His messengers, the hereafter and the divine agency of angels. This ideological stance of world leadership as opposed to…

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Is a new Enlightenment possible?

The blind and the seeing are not alike, Nor are the depths of the darkness and the Light, Nor are the (chilly) shades and the (genial) heat of the sun. (Al-Qur’an, 35: 19-21) One of the curses of modern times is the mirage of perceptions. In a world of media generated illusions, the man is denied the right to know, to see the things as they are. And this has led us to a total…

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The Palestinian Problem: If Truth be Told

For a long time the land of Palestine has been waiting for a just resolution of its problem. Whatever efforts have been undertaken so far on both sides have not produced any encouraging results. If anything, the results are positively discouraging. The loss of human lives is mounting by the day. On the one side we have the state of Israel armed with the most sophisticated weaponry; and on the other side we have motley…

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